American Bullies are well known for quite a few different health issues - we hope to dive into those a bit more on this page. Please use the buttons below to navigate the different pages we have created.
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Allergies are a misguided reaction to foreign substances by the body's immune system, which people and pets alike can suffer from. Whether its food, contact or environmental, allergies can be extremely challenging for dogs...and to make it even more complicated, the symptoms of these different types of allergies can overlap. Allergic reactions can also quickly turn into various types of skin infections, which can be even more problematic.
Much is still unknown about the origin of allergies, and the answer never seems to be clear even with a diagnosis from a canine dermatologist. Genetics seem to play a role in their presence, and many researchers believe that it is at least partly hereditary, but there is no way to know for sure.

ATOPIC DERMATITIS: Also known as atopy. Previously we assumed these allergens needed to be in the respiratory system to cause a reaction in the body. Currently, many dermatologists believe that it is a combination of inhalation and contact with the skin. This is a very frequently occurring problem in American Bullies, and likely the most common form of allergy we tend
FLEA ALLERGY: The dog is hypersensitive to the bite of a flea. Dogs with a flea allergy often bite and lick the back half of their body excessively, ripping out fur and injuring themselves in the process. They can have hotspots from flea bites and it is often hard to catch because of the dog's immediate reaction to the flea bites. There are good treatment options to fight flea allergies - prevention is the most important piece. Most dogs that have flea allergies suffer from other allergies as well.
FOOD ALLERGY: This may also be referred to as a food intolerance. This can be described as a dog having an allergic response to certain foods or proteins when ingested and metabolized. This often presents with an extra set of symptoms being digestive upset, however this symptom is not unique to food allergies. These dogs can usually do quite well on a hypoallergenic diet with an owner that closely monitors all food and treats.
CONTACT ALLERGY: The best way to describe this allergy is to think of how poison ivy affects us humans - anywhere it touches us, we get an angry reaction that can become quite severe if left untreated. Each time the contact is made, the reaction tends to be worse.

Health testing is much more involved than a simple vet check or annual exam! Please see the infographic below for the minimum required health testing for the American Bully. The age listed is the minimum age requirement for official results.

2018 OFA Study on Hip Dysplasia Statistics of Offspring based on Parent Scores

Huge step closer to becoming a Responsible Breeder
Bragging rights! Or in professional terms…an improved marketing strategy!
Increased Value in your Puppies, Studs & Program
Getting ahead of health problems before it starts to dramatically impact your dogs’ quality of life
Peace of mind knowing exactly what is going on “under the hood” of your dogs
Being at the forefront of the Health Testing wave that is gearing up in the breed
Pride in knowing that you are doing everything you can to minimize health issues in your puppies
Feel good about supporting a Responsible Breeder that is genuinely doing their best to stack the odds in their pups' favors & make a positive impact in their breed
Know that the parents and relatives of your puppy were healthy and did not suffer from debilitating genetic health conditions that were swept under the rug
Have a health guarantee that actually has some substance to it
Understanding what conditions to watch out for that are prevalent in the breed and your pup's family history of health conditions
Peace of mind knowing that your puppy has a lower risk of hereditary genetic issues